Use "fall on deaf ears|fall on deaf ear" in a sentence

1. My advice always fall on deaf ears.

2. War protests always fall on deaf ears.

3. I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears.

4. You threaten this, but you've threatened so many times fall on deaf ears.

5. Until Friday, such complaints appeared to fall on deaf ears at the Treasury.

6. You will go before the council, but your words will fall on deaf ears.

7. I know these silent prayers fall on deaf ears: You've got integrity like a disease.

8. His speech is full of common sense logic , yet it will fall on deaf ears.

9. And there is a grave danger that, once again, this alarm call will fall on deaf ears.

10. 27 When John the Baptist appeared his appeal did not fall upon deaf ears.

11. Those words fell on deaf ears.

12. His complaints fell on deaf ears.

13. Their requests fell on deaf ears.

14. Her advice fell on deaf ears.

15. But my suggestions fell on deaf ears.

16. Arguments that some of the skills practised by pupils are obsolete fall on deaf ears, or are heeded only very slowly.

17. His pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears.

18. All her appeals for help fell on deaf ears.

19. Their appeals to release the hostages fell on deaf ears.

20. Their complaints about the poor service fell on deaf ears .

21. Do not conclude that your counsel has fallen on deaf ears.

22. So when Basilisk Games set out to start their own game development company, were you worried that all your hard work might fall on deaf ears?

23. If politicians’ behavior is determined by the vested interests to which they are beholden, economists’ advocacy of policy reforms is bound to fall on deaf ears.

24. American Jews know the frustration of rising Anxieties falling on deaf ears

25. And ears of deaf ones hear again,

26. 18 She is deaf in one ear.

27. And the ears of deaf ones hear again,

28. She turned a deaf ear to their complaints.

29. Day and night, the screams of tormented women in panic and desperation who cry for God's mercy fall upon the deaf ears of prison authorities.

30. He turned a deaf ear to the rumours.

31. As rioting continued, Mayor Warren appealed for calm, but his words fell on deaf ears.

32. Invitations by Paredes to the various governors to second his plan fell on deaf ears.

33. The boss turned a deaf ear to my explanation.

34. Gillard's message, if it is not too indelicate to say so, mostly fell on deaf ears.

35. Words thus strung together fall on the ears like music.

36. 19 The boss turned a deaf ear to my explanation.

37. Don't turn a deaf ear to her cries for help.

38. He turned a deaf ear to my request for help.

39. His order that all employees report to work by 10 in the morning fell on deaf ears .

40. But the authorities turned a deaf ear to their demands.

41. The teacher turned a deaf ear to the boy's swearing .

42. It is wrong to turn a deaf ear to other's criticism.

43. Finger-wagging Admonishments to drive cars that get at least 35 miles per gallon fell on deaf ears

44. 13 But the union message today is increasingly falling upon deaf ears.

45. This ear has been deaf since it's hit by your rod.

46. She turned a deaf ear to our warnings and got lost.

47. Despite their mouths, eyes, and ears, they are speechless, blind, and deaf.

48. Have the habit of headset, plug some miscellaneous, turns a deaf ear.

49. How could you turn a deaf ear to her requests for help?

50. I didn't expect him to turn a deaf ear to his comrades'criticism.

51. Well, Blizzard is not turning a deaf ear to your Bellyachings of pain

52. The factory owners turned a deaf ear to the demands of the workers.

53. To turn a deaf ear to someone means not to talk to him.

54. If you turn a deaf ear to my warnings, you'll land in trouble.

55. 21 Mary turned a deaf ear to Lois's asking to ride her bicycle.

56. Unfortunately, many rich people turn a deaf ear to our request for help.

57. Why will you always turn a deaf ear to what I tell you?

58. Thus, year after year, working people turn a deaf ear to union entreaties.

59. 15 He has turned a resolutely deaf ear to American demands for action.

60. Don't play a joke on her. She is deaf.

61. Sentenced to five years in prison for "violating national solidarity," he remains partially deaf from repeatedly being boxed on both ears:

62. Success search for specifics for solutions , failure turn a deaf ear to specifics.

63. MY PAST: I was born deaf to deaf parents.

64. I'm deaf in one ear because of an IED, I do not want to lose the other ear

65. Pleas that the couple and their two young children will be homeless and facing financial ruin have fallen on deaf ears.

66. I saw performances of deaf theater and of deaf poetry.

67. His father is deaf-mute while his mother is deaf.

68. Umpteen times I gave up when people turned a deaf ear to their wrongs.

69. 14 Thus, year after year, working people turn a deaf ear to union entreaties.

70. Can't you find a way of turning a deaf ear to her endless complaints?

71. Cai turn a deaf ear to the President, is a different type of generosity.

72. Are you deaf?

73. Cobras are deaf.

74. She's deaf-mute...

75. Evidence on cognition in deaf children has never been clear-cut.

76. The race committee turned a deaf ear to the objections of Amelia and the other fliers.

77. He's deaf and senile.

78. Come on. Fall in!

79. Shit, is he deaf?

80. What, are you deaf?